Thursday, November 08, 2007


What am I talking about? I'm talking about brussel sprouts. So many people claim to not like them. I know! Those who love them find it incomprehensible. My theory is that those who claim them to be vile are those people who have only had them boiled or cooked in some other horrible manner.

So this post goes out to all those B-sprout haters. These little green wonders are members of the Brassica family, along with cabbage and broccoli. They are very high in Vitamin C and have many anti-oxidant and cancer fighting properties. They are also high in Vitamin A which is key in healthy skin. What's best is that they are in season right now so get out there and buy some.

I bring you the best way to easily cook them and make them taste wonderful.

right out of the oven


What you need:
- however many sprouts you have. The more the merrier. - Trim off the white end bit and either cut them in slices or leave them whole
- olive oil
- salt and pepper
- an oven or toaster oven pre-heated to broil

In a bowl, toss sprouts in a little bit of olive oil (so they are coated. Place them on a cooking tray and sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Place tray in oven and let them broil until they are just brown. They are sooo delicious and sweet. TRUST ME.

Take care,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the after effects of the brussel sprouts that scare me...any suggestions?


6:42 AM  
Blogger Julia said...

I'm totally a reformed hater! Those mushy boiled-from-frozen brussels my mum fed me as a child ruined me for years! Never tried roasting them though - sounds delish!

9:28 AM  
Blogger firefly said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

9:34 PM  
Blogger firefly said...


i just discovered this fantastic page.

i can't tell you how excited i am to try out all the delish sounding recipes.

yum. xx

9:35 PM  

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